Marketing strategy – implementation
Editorial – Web Design
Search Engine Optimization – Success Measurement

Strategy and implementation<br> from a single source

Web design and editing <br> Matched

Measure and evaluate marketing

Web Design – Social Media – Marketing

Go with the times –

otherwise you will go with the times

Be present!

A website is now a must, not a can. And it’s more than just a virtual business card. It is your official representation on the net, your basis on which you communicate with customers, present your product and position your company. Take advantage of all possibilities! More appearance …

Say it clear!

The apt word? The right tone? The correct picture? As editors and marketing experts, we know what is important when it comes to texting and editing. On- and offline. We get things to the point. Sometimes also on the semicolon. But always convincing. Read more …

Inspire with content!

Content marketing is as old as humanity. What was stories about the fire among the cavemen is now “storytelling”. We call it good content – and create it around your business. So that the content always keeps what the packaging promises. More content

Eureka! Found it!

If you want to achieve a good placement in the search engines, you have to be consistently online. This means that he must constantly work alongside him and his communication and be present where his customers are. We’ll show you how to do that. Find out more …

Act strategically!

Why should customers find your products better than those of the competition? We answer this question – and many others. What is marketing? It is the pursuit of the favor (money) of the customers. Sounds sober? Is it mostly! Find out more…

Success is no coincidence

On the wooden path or on the road of success? Those who invest in marketing want to know where they stand. Whether the effort is worthwhile, what it can do better, which action is well received by the customer and which network platforms bring something. You have to measure that! We’ll show you how. Find out more …

You want to know why you can't be found?

Let's talk about the answers!

What does a"good text" mean?

Quality can be measured. Also for texts. Editors and marketing experts evaluate them according to various objective criteria. Here are some of them.

The right channels

Meanwhile, there is a flood of social media portals. But not everything that is feasible is also useful or effective. We will help you make the right choice. Learn more

We know the answers

You have a website, but no one can find it? You would like to actively design social media, but don’t know how? Would you like to know more about your market? To our solutions …

News from the blog workshop

The Best Stock Photo Providers

The Best Stock Photo Providers

Whether flyer, website or presentation: Images bring life to marketing and communication. If you do not have your own archive, you will find plenty of material at one of the many stock photo providers. We subjected 13 of them to an intensive test for

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Come to the dark side

Come to the dark side

You have heard a lot about it and usually nothing good: The Darknet has a bad reputation and usually only makes negative headlines. We wanted to know for whether the dark side of the Internet is really as wicked as its image and went on a special trip.

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Golden egg under white eggs

What makes us different?

We speak plainly. Without agency blala. We explain every technical term and what it stands for. We show what is possible and what is necessary. We want you to understand us and what we do. And recommend us in the end if you are satisfied. Because this is the best confirmation of our work. And, by the way, active recommendation marketing.

We are marketing strategists with more than 30 years of experience in editing, marketing and implementation, in companies and agencies.

Is your marketing fit for 2023?

Personalization: Customers want authentic communication

The right content at the right time in the right place – that’s still the future of online communication. The more personalized the messages, the more successful the message. Mobile-optimized for the right end device. One in two smartphone users and 62 percent of tablet users have already purchased “mobile” once (source: Bitkom).

YouTube as a sales promoter

Recording professional and high-quality videos is no longer an art. And this is changing the Internet and thus Internet marketing in the long term. If you want to be up to date, you have to have your own channel and publish your own content.

– 79 of consumers prefer a video to a text in order to find out about a product.

– 84 were convinced enough to buy a product after seeing a video about it (source)

Security has priority

The protection of internal data is becoming more and more important. No matter how successful and credible a company is in online marketing, there is no point in hackers intercepting sensitive data and user trust disappearing in one fell swoop. For this reason, the issue of security will continue to become immensely important in the coming years.

Messenger will be the social networks of tomorrow

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Telegram are becoming increasingly popular. Users can exchange information quickly, easily and conveniently via these platforms. This will replace the classic social networks in direct communication.

Influencers are becoming more and more important

The popularity of influencer marketing remains unbroken. A Google Trends search makes it easy to understand.

In order to make the most of influencer marketing, however, marketing experts need to pay attention to a number of things when searching for opinion leaders and working with them:

– Measuring the ROI of influencer marketing is crucial.
– Video content is more effective than text-based content.
– Observe legislation: In recent months, significantly more fines have been imposed for the lack of advertising labelling.

And even if influencer marketing has to be labelled as advertising today, referral marketing still has a big impact on buying behavior. Also important: customer feedback on review pages!

There were billions of internet users at the end of 2021 (source: statista).

Billions of people worldwide bought goods on the Internet in 2020. In Germany, there were 54 million. Just over one in four online shoppers order via smartphone or tablet. More than 6 million shop mobile in the workplace. One in three online shoppers order without intention of buying.

Let’s start something new together!

Want to know why your website is not found? Learn how your product will inspire more customers? Discover what your company has on the market? Or are you simply looking for unique texts and exciting content for your communication? Write us!


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